Quote from Parker Palmer's "The Courage To Teach": The mythical dominant model of truth-knowing and truth-telling has four major elements.
- Objects of knowledge that reside "out there" somewhere, pristine in physical or conceptual space, as described by the "facts" in a given field.
- Experts, people trained to know these objects in their pristine form without allowing their own subjectivity to slop over onto the purity of the objects themselves. This training transpires in a far-off place called graduate school, whose purpose is so throughly to obliterate one's sense of self that one becomes a secular priest, a safe bearer of the pure objects of knowledge.
- Amateurs, people without training and full of bias, who depend on the experts for objective or pure knowledge of the pristine objects in question.

Well done! This was great! :)
looks good sir! your final idea about the compartmentalization is great-never thought of it like that before
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